
The Economic Challenges Humanity Faces TODAY
What if our global currencies of exchange were based upon the value of LIFE, natural resources and our collective potential for positive change?
Higher Purpose
To reflect the value of life and living systems in the value of our currency
To bridge the gap between human activity and impacts upon the natural world
To create a system of resource accountability and response to climate change
To shift our relationship with the planet from consumers to stewards
To find a balance point between the individual and our collective needs
To create systems that fulfill our human potential without harm to others or the planet
Basic Concept
The flow of our currencies is similar to the ebb and flow of tides. One major shortcoming of our current method of exchange is simply a matter of relevance. Our present application of money is tied to petroleum reserves and other scarce resources. This approach does not adequately value the Earth and all life upon it as a whole. Our need for energy production should not outweigh the need for a clean, healthy biosphere to support life now and in the future. One might argue the emergence of pandemics is one consequence of the imbalances created by global pollution.
We only have one planet. Every act of consumption represents an impact on the Earth and its intricate and interconnected ecosystems. We need to embrace the value of living systems, and tie that value into systems of global governance. If our goals for exchange were rooted in regenerative development with cradle to cradle methods of manufacturing and production, we would have a method for ensuring the protection and restoration of all habitats. In order to embrace an effective approach to climate change adaptation we must leave behind our notions of post-industrial consumerism in favor of economies that are based upon regenerative practices and ingenuity.
The health and well-being of our planet is paramount. Each of us has a right to clean air, water, food, housing, and habitats. Consumerism, agriculture, industry, manufacturing, and settlements must account for impacts of development and requisite mitigation of those impacts. The result of which should be a thriving, biodynamic, harmonious planet - which is the bottom line.
Regenerative Flows
REGENERATIVE DEVELOPMENT meets the growing needs of the future without compromising the ability of present generations to meet their own needs. Ecosystems & symbiotic species must be equally considered. Human activities must ensure the restoration of the natural world, the result of which adds value toward planetary biodiversity, natural capital creation and resource stewardship. Economic exchange must reflect full accounting for human activities from beginning to end of resource management. Because it is impossible to separate environment from living matter within ecosystems, all harvesting of raw material for economic activity must be performed in tandem with rehabilitation efforts in order to restore the natural balance of the ecosystem, ensuring the life and biodiversity of species within that ecosystem for generations to come.
- To bring the value of life itself into our methods of operation and exchange
- To open a global discussion among environmental, government, and business leaders
- Shifting our dominion over the Earth from adversarial to symbiotic
- Holistically integrating human activity into the natural systems of life
- Freeing ourselves from economic systems of scarcity, enslavement, and oppression
- To lift human existence out of the context of enslavement and into empowerment
- Bridging the gap between the Industrial Age approach of unlimited production, unlimited consumption to promoting the value of All Life Itself
- Shifting our perception from limited natural resources to unlimited regenerative living potential
- Creating economic opportunity through human capital creation for people who care for other people (child/elder care, homemakers, educators, community service and health care providers)
- Creating economic opportunity through human capital creation for people who care for other species (animal rescue and sanctuaries, pets, livestock, wildlife)
- Creating economic opportunity through human capital creation for people who care for the land (farmers, community gardeners, homeowners, land trusts and cooperatives, forest management, green spaces, wetlands and natural preserves, and those who remove pollutants and toxic debris from water and lands)
- Creating preservation opportunity and biological capital creation for symbiotic species who contribute to rehabilitation of the commons (carbon sequestering potential of trees and forests, wetland grasses removing toxins from water, fish and wildlife reducing invasive pests, birds and bees that pollinate our food crops, etc.)
- Generating opportunity for socio-economic equalization through stewardship activities
- Generating opportunity for socio-economic equalization through cooperative activities
- Generating opportunity for socio-economic equalization through educational services
Alternative Opportunities
- To quickly reverse the man-made effects of climate change
- To more highly value ourselves and each other
- To relate to the planet better as an integral part of the living system
- Embracing our ability to co-create harmoniously together
- Unlimited resource approach to life and human potential
- Creating a new system of rewards for stewardship activities
- Maintaining Biological Diversity
- Prioritizing Socio-Economic Equalization
- Eliminating Poverty
- Eliminating War
- Replacing the notion of waste with reuse and recycling
- Re-educating our children with these empowering values
- Creating jobs through administrative and accountability needs
- Creating potential for all humans to thrive
- Creating potential for symbiotic species and ecosystems to thrive
- Improving public health standards by regulating manufacturing impacts
- Finding an appropriate balance between individual and collective needs
- An economic approach based upon the value of LIFE is needed.
- World leaders would be interested in using this method of currency.
- Economic leaders would be interested in using these methods of currency.
- Corporations and businesses would be interested using in this method of currency.
- Affluent individuals would be interested in using this method of currency.
- Impoverished individuals would be interested in using this method of currency.
- People are basically good and want to live in harmony with the planet.
- People want to ensure the longevity of humanity.
- Natural biodiversity is essential to the longevity of humanity.
- People want to thrive in their own lives.
- We already possess many tools and metrics to regulate natural and human capital.
- This ecological economic approach can only be successful on a global scale.
- Maintained correctly, there is unlimited natural resources available.
- Our current approach will result in environmental collapse and loss of resources.
- It is impossible to place a metric value on living systems.
- Central Economic Governance is required.
- That Central Economic Governance will not abuse their power.
- Corporations would be able to adhere to the laws of natural capital.
- Population control will not be necessary.
- Standards of living, healthcare, and subsistence can be addressed on a global scale.
- The right to exist is equal among species.
- The Earth will respond positively to this kind of relationship.
Target Audience
Global Influencers
Business and Government Leaders
Critical Infrastructure Sectors
Environmental Policy Makers
Economic Influencers/ Leaders
World Economic Forum
Groups Interested in Sustainable Economics
Science and Environmental Experts
Manufacturing and Industrial Designers
Natural Capital Accounting Groups
Complexity Management Teams
Points of View
Nations and Government Leaders
Economic Leaders
Monetary Exchange Markets
Environmental Policy Makers
Scientists and Researchers
Engineers, Designers and Innovators
Infrastructure (energy, food, housing, waste, water, transportation)
Business Owners
Workers and laypeople
Property Owners
Medical Industry, Healthcare Providers, and Caregivers
Children and Future Generations
Earth and all its ecological kingdoms
All species of life other than human
Living systems (water, air, land, symbiotic species)
Our Collective Stream of Consciousness
- Agreed upon metrics for global governance of currency can be based upon the value of life, natural resources, and human potential
- The value of human activity can ultimately feed the health and well-being of all ecosystems which in turn restores the planet
- Valuing all forms of life on this planet is essential
- Greater accountability and responsibility toward the service and stewardship of resources results in greater opportunity for the individual through added value creation
- The Earth’s resources are not public or private property, we are all held accountable to the planet as tenants and stewards
- Preservation of biodiversity improves the quality of life for all living systems
- Combining natural, biological and human capital is an effective approach to climate adaptation
- This kind of valuation is required at this time, and is in fact a necessary step toward healing our relationship between the natural world and humanity’s collective notions of economics and accountability
- Public transparency will be necessary for informed decision making
- The mechanisms of regeneration are already inherent in nature
- The wisdom of living systems can be our guide for economic modeling
Implications or Consequences
- A global governance will need to be established; all nations, regions, citizens of the world will adhere to the standards of commerce set by popular agreement in accordance with the core values of life, natural and human potential
- By doing so, the overall quality of all of our lives will improve
- The globalization of currency breaks down the silos of government, corporations, people and the environment
- The global population will begin to think in terms of integration and impact
- This approach will strengthen the individual’s connection to our grand unifying life force
- Establishing this kind of environmental-economic harmonization will lead to new discoveries within ourselves and the environments around us
- This approach could end poverty
- Natural population control might be a consequence
- Freedom from financial enslavement could promote the potential of the individual and ensure a thriving creative community
- New methods of accountability would need to be installed along all sectors of government, business and industry
- Businesses would have to pay for impacts of product creation before distribution and sales
- Method of public polling would need to be implemented for feedback and transparent decision making with the currency that represents the value of Life
- Reaching all sectors of society will be necessary for equitable exchange
- Social welfare and subsistence subsidies would help normalize society, provide socioeconomic security, and answer the basic needs of the average citizen
- Without the stress of survival, citizens would be freed of the necessity for a career and might explore interests that lead to exponential capitalized human value
- Corporations would need to be willing and able to retool for the new accounting system
- The definitions of private property would need to include natural/biological capital potential
- Natural and human resources would be utilized more efficiently and effectively
Indispensable Information
- Are there similar economic modalities?
- What kind of metrics already exist?
- What is our current state of natural, biological and human capital?
- How do we transition from here to there?
- Who are the responsible parties?
- Who are the target allies?
- What kind of expertise is needed?
- What kind of expertise is available?
- Are there already standards for life cycle analysis of product creation?
- Are there groups interested in exploring these concepts?
- Can we create a scalable experimental model?
- How to ensure cooperation among governments, businesses and individuals?
- How do we hold parties accountable?
- Will resource accountability be incentive enough to effect the necessary changes?
- What are the consequences of non-compliance?
- Is weekly polling a sufficient method for feedback and taking the pulse of our communities for informed decision making and resource management?
- Scientific proof that man-made activities have an impact on global climate change
- Several groups and organizations are already measuring and monitoring natural capital resources in certain regions or nations
- Humanity is resilient, courageous and adaptive
- Humanity wants to perpetuate, not just to survive but to evolve
- The natural world is our ally not our enemy
- The mechanisms of regeneration are already inherent in nature
- The idea of an ecologically based currency is a notion whose time has come
- Many people on the planet are looking for real solutions to today’s pressing challenges
- This may be the most effective and lasting approach of addressing the complex and complicated challenges of today
- If we act quickly and decisively, there is still time to save ourselves from extinction
- Several natural capital accountability metrics already exist
- Most nations are already examining regional solutions
- We are living and thinking more as a global community
- We already possess the technologies required to globally organize
- Nature is an excellent teacher from which we can model thriving living systems
- Air and Water already are a shared global commodity
- Shifting our relationship with nature from dominion to stewardship creates added value
- Symbiosis and synergy can be the result of integrative success
- Most people are ready for a change of some kind
- People want to feel valued, and able to generate additional value through personal endeavor
- Equitable solutions are more effective than competitive gains
- People lack the will to change until forced to do so
- Corporations might lack the will to change
- Governments might lack the will to change
- The powers that be want to stay in power
- Cooperation between nations can be difficult
- Corruption and nepotism are difficult to expunge
- Implementation can be initially costly
- Accountability might be initially difficult to adopt
- Certain groups in power still deny climate change is real
- Certain groups in power deny man-made activities have impact at a global scale
- Cultural myth that mankind is the pinnacle of all living beings
- The notion of human entitlement outweighs the needs of other living beings
- Humans tend not to operate as a symbiotic species
- The urgency of our present situation mandates drastic measures to be taken
- We live in a culture of victimhood where the individual has little to no power
- Our perceived relationship with nature is one of victimhood, asserting our dominance over it is a response to those fears
- Denial and the lemming effect
- Deceit, collusion and levels of non-transparency
- Fear is a terrible means of motivation
- Shifting cultural attitudes takes time
- Time is a limited commodity in terms of extinction
+ Sunshine
+ Kinetic Motion
+ Gravity
+ Time
+ Biodiverse Habitats
+ Biodiverse Species
+ Regenerative Ability of Nature
+ Innate Good of Humanity
+ Wisdom of Our Ancestors
+ Wisdom of Nature - Visionaries and Innovators
- Scientific Data that spans decades
- Technologies, Tools, and Metrics
- Collective Human Intelligence
- Human Creativity
- All of the Earth’s Natural Resources
- Adaptability
- Evolutionary Momentum
- Humanitarian Efforts
- Globalization Efforts
- World Influencers
- Youth
- Time and Timing
- Passion
Team Members & Key Roles
- Global Economic Institutions
- Global Governments
- Global Policy Makers
- Global Trade Agencies
- Governmental Administration
- Governmental Regulators
- Human Resource Agencies
- Infrastructure Managers
- Natural Resource Managers
- Transparency Accountants
- Environmental Accountability Agents
- Infrastructure Analysts
- NGO Advisors
- Regional Managers
- Social Advocacy Agents
- Environmental Analysts and Experts
- NGO Auditors
- Scientists
- Socio-Economic Accountants
- Polling Agencies
- Designers and Manufacturers
- Processing Plants
- Service Providers
- Transportation Vehicles
- Fuel Capture and Conversion
- Renewable Energy Production
- Distribution Providers
- Biodynamic Farming
- Processing Plants
- Distribution Providers
- Business Owners
- Corporate Managers
- Delivery Specialists
- Industrial Designers
- Manufacturers
- Processing Plants
- Recycle and Upcycling Experts
- “Waste” Management
- Community Organizers
- Builders
- Designers
- Educators
- Environmental Experts
- Living Community Specialists
- Residents
- Children
- Symbiotic Species
- Sunshine
- Kinetic Motion
- Gravity
- Time
- Biodiverse Habitats
- Biodiverse Species
- Innate Regenerative Ability of Nature
- Innate Good of Humanity
- Wisdom of Our Ancestors
- Wisdom of Nature

The Health & Well-Being of our planet is paramount
Each of us has a right to clean air, water, food, and housing
A thriving, biodynamic, harmonious ecosystem is the triple bottom line